
Man Seriously Injured in Quincy Work Accident After Electrocution and Fall

A worker fell one story to his death after he sustained an electrical shock on a local construction site. According to the Boston Globe, the accident happened at the construction site of Quincy’s new Central Middle School.

The man is in Boston Medical Center and was last listen in fair condition. He suffered burns on his forearm as well as a head injury.

Our Quincy workers’ compensation lawyers understand that there are more than 30,000 shock injuries reported each and every year. Working with electricity can be extremely dangerous and result in serious injury and even death. These risks are exacerbated when working at height. There are a number of professions, including engineers, electricians and other professionals who work with electricity directly each and every day. Even office works make contact with various electrical hazards on the job on a daily basis.

But these kinds of accidents are much more common on construction sites. As a matter of fact, officials with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that one of the leading causes of death for construction workers is electrocution. Electrocution actually accounted for about 10 percent (or close to 70 workers) of the total number of construction site fatalities recorded in 2011.

Electrocution, which can lead to death, is caused by any type of electric shock due to exposure to high voltage electricity. Small currents may cause fibrillation in the heart, which can be reversed with a defibrillator. Large currents may cause permanent damage like burns and serious cellular damage.

The exact effect is dependent upon a large number of things including the size of the voltage, which parts of the body are involved, how damp the person is, and the length of time the current flows.

Electrocution injuries are expensive to treat, require lengthy hospitalization and rehabilitation and may lead to permanent disability. The cost of each major case of electrical shock can average between $1 million and $4 million.

And there are plenty of factors that can increase your risks for one of these accidents:

-Downed Power Lines
-Damaged Electrical Lines.

-Improperly Installed Power Lines.

-Overloaded Circuits.

-Wet Conditions and Water Instruction.

-Wiring Issues.

Burns are the most common shock-related injury. Electrical burns tend to be more severe than chemical burns and thermal burns, simply because electrocution burns tend to penetrate the skin more deeply.

Companies that employ any worker whose jobs put them at risk, must provide the proper training, require protective gear, and have safety procedures and regulations in place in order to keep employees safe. If you feel like you’re not getting the proper training and protective equipment you need to complete the job safely, you’re urged to speak up as you have a right to do so. Talk with your employer or your supervisor about safety concerns and any other problems you observe on your job site.

If you are injured on the job in Massachusetts, call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your workers’ compensation claim– (617) 777-7777.

More Blog Entries:

Massachusetts Contractor Faces $290,700 in OSHA Fines, Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Blog, June 15, 2013

New England Companies Face Work-Safety Violations, Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Blog, June 10, 2013

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